Most often, when a tooth hurts, we immediately associate it with hidden caries that have advanced. If you experience persistent pain that does not stop for days, be sure not to panic, but visit a dentist who will do a detailed examination, determine the cause of the pain and determine the appropriate therapy.
Here’s what can be the cause of toothache without a cavity.
The gums can become inflamed and sensitive for several reasons. One of them is bacteria that accumulate in the teeth and the space between them. When gum recession occurs, “pockets,” or gaps, form between the teeth and gum line, making it easy for disease-causing bacteria to build up. Food debris accumulates in these areas and increases the number of bacteria that can cause infections and create inflammation.
In that case, the dentist must clean the pockets and recommend an antibiotic, if necessary, for the infection to subside.
The gums can become sensitive and if you use a hard toothbrush or brush your teeth aggressively. In that case, you can feel pain in your teeth when consuming sweet and cold foods and drinks. Then, the tooth itself usually does not hurt, but the gums pull back from the tooth surface, the tooth root is more exposed to external influences, so the dental nerve reacts to the cold, sweet foods and beverages.
Although the reaction of the teeth is very similar to the one that occurs due to caries, here it is usually just a hairline crack, tooth damage due to consuming hard, too hot, or too cold food that has damaged tooth enamel.
If it is treated on time and repaired by a dentist, the pain will stop, and you will prevent further complications, the spread of cracks, and the development of caries in the future.
In some people, the root of the tooth can be very close to the sinus, so when it becomes inflamed, it manifests as a toothache that is healthy, but its root presses on the sinus, so you may think that you have a toothache.
It is always best to consult a dentist who will remove the suspicion of any damage to the teeth and send you for other analyzes and imaging of the jaw.
Bruxism or gnashing of teeth during sleep can cause damage to the teeth if it happens often and continuously, so there is a pain in the teeth. In these cases, the dentist will recommend dental covers to avoid damaging them.
However, the cause of bruxism is often stress or overload and nervousness, so it is necessary to solve the cause of its occurrence to completely and successfully get rid of night gnashing of teeth and thus pain.
If the infection has spread to the root and further, the tooth can hurt under pressure. It also happens when the pocket puss presses on the dental nerve. In these cases, the dentist must clean the periodontal pockets, and it is necessary to treat the root canal.
If you have any questions regarding oral health or want to schedule an examination, we are waiting for you in Belgrade at 3 Trstenjakova Street. You can also contact us by phone and schedule your check-up.