Root canal treatment, i.e. nerve removal is a procedure that very often requires patience and sitting in a chair for a long time. That is why we are trying to provide our clients with the most comfortable and fast treatment, without compromising quality.

When it comes to treatment of the root canals, the quality of the procedure is important, which patients most often associate with the procedure itself and that includes cleaning and shaping of the canals by different endodontic files. It is necessary to shape and widen the root canal of the tooth to a precisely defined limit, and then to definitely obturate it to that limit.


Endodontics deals with diseases of the root canal contents, i.e. dental pulp. Dental pulp can get sick for various reasons, and one of them is definitely dental caries. When bacteria and their toxins penetrate the tooth chamber, it becomes inflamed, which is called pulpitis.

Further action of bacteria and their toxins interrupts the blood supply to the teeth which causes the contents of the root canal to die, and then gangrene develops. Bacteria can also penetrate the jawbone through the tip of the tooth root, resulting in a pathological process at the tip of the root.

Trauma e.g. the injury caused by impact can lead to the interruption of the supply of nutrients to the dental pulp (root canal contents), after which it gradually dies off. Often this process remains hidden, so a cyst is noticed either when it reaches significant dimensions or on a routine X-ray. If infectious agents penetrate during trauma, gangrene develops.

During the treatment of the root canal, it is necessary to widen the canal to a precisely defined limit, and then to definitely obturate it to that limit.
The Reciproc endo motor with built-in apex locator allows us to shape and widen the root canal in less than 10 minutes using just one Reciproc endodontic file in just a few passes. Its built-in apex locator signals when we have reached the required length to fill the canal and stops the endodontic file.

During the treatment of the root canal, it is necessary to widen the tooth to a precisely defined limit, and then to definitely obturate it to that limit.
Root canal treatment, or as it is also called nerve extraction, requires precision while working. The tooth canals must be shaped along entire length to the tip (apex) of the canals. A tooth that is poorly processed, too short or overfilled, especially in the case when the endodontic file overforces the apex of the root, can later be the cause of the problem. Determining the location of the apex of the root canal is provided by an apparatus known as an apex locator. On its display, the dentist can see exactly how far it is from the “right location”.

When the toxins of bacterial origin penetrate the tooth bone from the apex of the tooth root, an abscess occurs. Conservative non-surgical treatment of such inflammation is possible by inserting medication into the root canal. However, there are situations when such therapy cannot work, so after endodontic treatment, an apicoectomy must be performed. Apicoectomy is the surgical removal of the tip of the tooth root and surrounding bone to remove the abscess.