Under the wisdom teeth, we consider the last teeth in the jaws on each side. Removal of wisdom teeth is a procedure of their surgical removal, because in some cases they can be a problem.


The eruption of the wisdom teeth can be obstructed by a bone barrier or another tooth, which causes an unpleasant feeling or even pain. By pushing the next tooth, they can cause a defect in its root or a disorder in the arrangement of the teeth in the jaw. If they manage to erupt partially between adjacent teeth and the gingiva (gums), food could fall in between and bacteria will accumulate. This leads to frequent inflammation and pain, the tooth bone recedes and the space between the tooth and the gums deepens.

Wisdom tooth extraction is an absolutely painless intervention. It is performed under conditions of local anesthesia. The intervention begins only when absolute comfort is provided for the patient.

In most cases, the postoperative period is comfortable. Immediately after the intervention, an injection of corticosteroids is applied in order to prevent the formation of swelling. The patient receives a cooling gel and detailed instructions on how to behave in the postoperative period. Antibiotics must be prescribed. Pain medications are used in case of pain.


The procedure itself takes an average of 30 minutes. An incision is made on the gums in the area of ​​the wisdom tooth, then a part of the bone around it is removed in order to enable its removal. In the end, the wound is washed with antibiotics and stitched with a resorbable thread, which disappears over time, so that its removal is not necessary.