Orthodontics deals with the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of irregularities in the position and development of teeth, jaws, and faces. Orthodontic irregularities can lead to speech, chewing, and swallowing disorders. Improper tooth arrangement complicates oral hygiene, resulting in caries and periodontitis. Often, these anomalies affect the overall appearance of the face and its physiognomy. Placing a fixed device, such problems can be solved.



Benefit is not only in the field of aesthetics, you will also get a nicer and healthier smile because after the treatment you will be able to maintain oral hygiene much easier and thus preserve the health of your teeth for many years to come.


Fixed orthodontic braces consist of metal and ceramic brackets that are glued to the front surface of the tooth. A metal wire (bow) is attached to each bracket and moves the teeth. In this way, the bite is corrected.

The average is approximately one year and two years, depending on the severity of the orthodontic irregularity

There are fixed prostheses with metal brackets, sapphire (invisible), and lingual (internal) fixed braces.

In addition to conventional metal brackets, we can also offer you fixed braces that are made entirely of sapphire glass, ie. brackets that are completely transparent and therefore less noticeable. However, there are patients who do not want their fixed device to be seen at all, and for them, the best solution is the so-called. lingual or internal braces where all the elements are located on the inside of your teeth, ie. they are turned towards the tongue.

There are patients who do not want to wear a fixed brace but want to do something about the position and arrangement of their teeth. For them, the solution is a plastic transparent foil which achieves the desired results.

From the beginning of therapy with orthodontic braces, it is necessary to perform control examinations monthly, however, with new self-ligating systems, this period can be extended to 6 to 8 weeks, which will not affect the total duration of therapy.

You don’t like the arrangement of your teeth, you are no longer a child, you would still do something about it…. You wonder if you’re late … You’re not! There is no age limit for wearing orthodontic braces.
Except for a beautiful smile, you will also get a healthier smile. When we finish the therapy, it will be much easier for you to maintain hygiene and thus preserve the health of your teeth for many years to come!

It would be ideal from the age of 5. Then we can anticipate the problem and influence the elimination of bad habits if any. It means sucking a finger, breathing through the mouth, sucking a pacifier.

Therapy with mobile devices (mobile braces) is performed in children aged 7 to 13-14 years. It is very important to say that they are not night braces, but the time of wearing is determined by your orthodontist.
During the period of intensive growth of your child (from 9 to 11 years of age), with functional devices we can redirect the development of the jaws in the iron direction and get lasting results with improved profile appearance. In older children, treatment with fixed orthodontic braces is recommended.


In order for the patient to get the desired smile, the orthodontist must decide which brackets system to use. At the first examination, it is necessary to do an X-ray, photographs of the patient’s smile, and model of the tooth.
You can do the X-ray at the Dental Oral Center.
During the second visit, brackets are installed. After that, there are regular controls. On the controls, a fixed braces is adjusted, ie. the force required to line all the teeth in a row is adapted and the course of therapy is monitored.