Why do teeth change color, and how does the whitening process look?

Impeccably white teeth and a bright smile are every person’s dream. However, many factors affect the change of their color, so discoloration occurs, that is. External factors mainly cause dental discoloration.

The color of the teeth is determined by the dentin. Dentin is located under the transparent layer of enamel, which protects it from external influences, like food and drink, and other factors. Over time, the tooth enamel thins and wears out, so micro-cracks can appear on the teeth, in which deposits are retained. That way the tooth gradually loses its shine and acquires a yellowish color.

Food, beverages and cigarettes impact

These are the most common causes of tooth discoloration. Consumption of coffee, wine, cigarettes, and teas, over time, leads to the formation of dark spots that can not be removed by washing with an ordinary brush and toothpaste. Compounds from these foods stay on the teeth surface, and part of them penetrate their structure where they are permanently retained.

Healed tooth, tartar and amalgam fillings

If a nerve is extracted from a tooth, the entire crown darkens over time. The problem arises if that tooth is in the visible region of a smile. Accumulation of tartar makes additional deposits remain around the gums, and the teeth get a yellowish shade.

Also, if you have gray amalgam fillings in any of your teeth, they tend to release dark pigments over time. Gray filings stain the entire tooth and the surrounding tooth region.

Change due to tooth injury

If a tooth suffers trauma due to a blow or fall, sometimes it happens that the dental nerve dies, so a situation similar to the extraction of the nerve occurs and that tooth becomes darker and different from other teeth in the jaw.

Appearance of white spots

In areas where there is a large amount of fluoride in drinking water, changes in the form of whitish spots can occur on the teeth. In the beginning, they are smooth and shiny, but over time, damage can appear on them. On damaged parts deposits accumulate and the tooth additionally changes color.

Tooth discoloration prevention

The advice is to brush your teeth an hour or two after a meal, never immediately after a meal. It is necessary to regularly remove tartar and do tooth polishing to remove all deposits that accumulate on the enamel over time.

Teeth without the nerve can be bleached from the inside by particular methods. The other option for solving this problem is with a crown or veneer. That way, the tooth is in the visible region of the jaw will be white, and the smile will remain perfect.

Dental office teeth whitening

Before starting the teeth whitening process, they must be completely healthy. So before this process, tartar removal must be done, polishing, and, if necessary, repairs and replacement of old fillings.

In addition to office whitening with gels, lamps, and lasers, home whitening also gives good results. But the best effect is achieved by their combination. After the examination and consultation with your dentist, he/she will advise you which method is best for you and how to achieve the most effective results.

At the Dental Oral Center, we use a White Light Flash lamp for teeth whitening, which is 100% safe because it does not heat up and damage the teeth. The whitening process itself takes about an hour, and the best results are achieved in combination with home teeth whitening.

In-home whitening – the patient wears special foils made for each patient individually based on the tooth impression. A special whitening gel is applied to the foil. Foils are worn in the day or night variant, depending on the dentist’s recommendation.

This way, the teeth are bleached gradually, so you determine the shade and the moment you’ll stop whitening. Optimal results usually take about three weeks.

For all additional questions, doubts, scheduling examinations, and concerns, as well as consultations, you can reach us on our contact phone number or visit us at our polyclinic in Belgrade.

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